Welcome to the Deep East Texas Amateur Radio Club, W5IRP

The Deep East Texas Amateur Radio Club, Inc. is a registered 501c3 Charitable Tax Exempt organization, and is Incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas.


Jim Edmonson, N5JGE

Vice President
Mike Hooks, AA5HH

Tim Evans, KG5YNA

Patricia Allen, K5HER


Mike Miles, WD5EFY - DRO
Roger Krautkremer, K0YY - CRO


DETARC meets on the 4th Thursday evening of each month at 6:30 P.M. unless otherwise noted.

Meetings are held at the New Fuller Springs Volunteer VFD, 4958 U.S. Highway 69, Lufkin TX

Click here for directions.

DETARC also offers Amateur Radio License testing at 10 AM on the third Saturday of every month at Keltys First Baptist Church,(2402 N. John Reddit Dr., Lufkin, TX)


DETARC maintains several repeaters for use by licensed Amateur Radio operators.

Click here for repeater info.


The DETARC Club Net is held every Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. on the 146.94 (141.3) repeater. All Amateur Radio operators are invited to participate.

Click here for more info and other nets.


Join DETARC here.

Minutes of Meetings, Bylaws, etc are available.

Click here for more info.


We've compiled a comprehensive list of links, documents, and videos for you to learn more about Amateur Radio.

Click here for more info.

DETARC members come from diverse backgrounds and occupations, but all have in common an enjoyment of Amateur Radio and a desire to provide Community Service. Many of our members participate with organizations like the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®), the National Weather Service SKYWARN program, and the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES).

Local Amateur Operators have assisted the community by providing alternative communications means for events such as the Neches River Rendezvous, the Pineywoods Forest Festival, and the Pineywoods Purgatory Bike Race. Communications assistance was also provided to the community during several hurricanes and the Shuttle Columbia Recovery effort.

Club members enjoy pursuing several of the many facets of Amateur Radio, such as FM repeater & digital repeater operations; High-Frequency voice, Morse code, and digital operations; 6-meter meteor scatter & moon bounce operations; chasing DX stations around the world; operating during contests, and putting special event stations on the air.

In addition to the Club’s and other local Amateur-operated repeater systems, emergency Amateur Radio communications equipment is maintained at CHI Memorial Health Systems, Woodland Heights Medical Center, and Angelina County and Cities Health District for our authorized use during times of emergency.


The Club meetings are on the 4th Thursday of the month and start at 6:30pm. (Exception: November & December working around the Holidays.)

Meetings are held at the New Fuller Springs Volunteer Fire Department (VFD), 4958 U.S. Highway 69, Lufkin, TX 75901. The VFD building is the new building close to the highway, past the Curiosity Store and the Metal Mart, about 2.6 miles east of the Pilot gas station on the East Loop in Lufkin.

Come early for a time of fellowship.

Click here for directions on mobile.

Don’t park in front of the fire engine doors.

DETARC also offers Amateur Radio License testing at 10 AM on the third Saturday of every month at Keltys First Baptist Church,(2402 N. John Reddit Dr., Lufkin, TX)


146.940 MHz (-) 141.3 CTCSS (encode and decode)
The receive antenna is at 500 ft and the transmit antenna is at 260 ft. Output power is 40 watts. The repeater identifies as W5IRP-R. This repeater has linking capabilities for use in emergencies to connect to several regional repeaters.

147.360 MHz (+) 107.2 CTCSS encode. The antenna is at 500 ft and the output power is 40 watts.

146.980 MHz (-) 141.3 CTCSS encode. This repeater is located in Alto, TX and is linked full-time to the DETARC 146.940 MHz repeater.

145.410 MHz (-) 141.3 CTCSS encode.  This repeater is located near Center in Shelby County and is linked full-time to the DETARC 146.940 MHz repeater.

APRS Digipeater & iGate 144.390 MHz (Lufkin)

W5IRP-10 Winlink Node 145.050 MHz

K5KRK-10 Winlink Node 145.070 MHz

Mike, WD5EFY, has built an extensive network of interlinked repeater systems. Info on the NESTxlink system is available on the NESTxLINK System Facebook Group.

Andy, KE5EXX, created a list of East Texas Amateur Radio repeaters. It is available for download here..


The DETARC Club Net is held every Tuesday at 8:00 P.M. on the 146.94 (141.3) repeater. All Amateur Radio operators are invited to participate.

If you want to take a turn as a net control operator, download the DETARC Net Preamble.

There are several nets in the area. Jerry, K5JLW, put together a document that lists the nets. You can download it here.


Are you interested in joining DETARC?

Membership is open to all licensed Amateurs and those interested in Ham Radio.

Non-voting associate memberships are available to persons interested in learning about Ham Radio.

Please complete this DETARC Membership Application and bring it along with your dues to a meeting.

Yearly dues are $25 for a single member and $35 for an entire family. A student membership price of $10 is also available for valid students.

DETARC yearly dues are due and payable on January 1st of each year.

Dues are delinquent if unpaid by the end of February, and members may be dropped from the membership roster.